Hi guys, what's poppin'?!
I read a newspaper article yesterday. It was about the environmental volunteering year and I think that it is an amazing thing! What do you think?
You clean up nature and it is good for your mental health as well. It is another feeling when you get up in the morning and you know: Today I will save the world!
An extra amazing effect is that you get in shape for the summer! Everyone is like "We need to do something about climate change and for the environment". So by doing an environmental year you have an amazing opportunity to do something for our nature and your health as well!
Think about my words and let me know what you think about environmental volunteering!
Hey guys,
today I will inform you about the environmental volunteering year. This year is perfect for you when you don't know what to do after school.
You can gain many new experiences when doing an environmental volunteering year and it's good for your physical and mental health as well.
You meet new people.
You help the environment.
You are a role model for other young people.
You show other young people that it's not uncool to help the environment.
You do something for you as well: You stay fit, you do something for your health, you can find out what you want to do.
And the best ist that you have much fund and a good time!
So, all in all it's the best you can do because there are NO negative aspects. It's just a really AMAZING thing!
So, I hope it was helpful for you to read this and if you like you can share it with your friends.
Hey guys,
today I want to write my opinion about the statement "Becoming vegetarian is the best way to save the environment".
At the beginning I want to say yes to the statement because it's right a little bit. Vegetarians don't support the meat industry and this is very good because the meat industry is very bad for our environment. They save money and save the rain forest and yes, these are good points, but I think there are other important points, too.
Vegetarians have many problems because they don't eat meat and so they don't have special proteins in their body. This is a problem for their health.
The article is right, meat is expensive, but a lot of vegeterian meals are more expensive than meat. The biggest problem was the bad industry and, I agree, they are bad for our environment. But vegetarians don't help against this problem. It's our task to improve the factories so that we don't produce this terrible trash. Vegetarians don't help because in vegetarian factories they have the same problems.
So we don't need more vegetarians, we need better factories.
In the end I want to say that the solution isn't to stop the meat industry but to improve the industrie at all.
I hope you think about my opinion and like this blog entry.
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