Non-profit Campaign "No Makeup Selfie"


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  • #1

    Laura (Dienstag, 07 Mai 2019 19:56)

    Such a cool campaign! Never heard of it before!

The ALS "Ice Bucket Challenge"

Hey guys,


Today we talk about the Ice Bucket Challenge. You heard about it, right? But do you know that it wasn't only an internet hype?

The purpose for this challenge was to pay attention to the "ALS Association". ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a not curable motor nerval disease and all people in all ages can get this disease. The ALS association has the goal to collect money for research and patient support.

To make the disease and the association more popular, they started the Ice Bucket Challenge. Since the 29th of July in 2014, the challenge inserted 115 million US $!

The Ice Bucket Challenge works per se like a nomination for a video where the nominated people had to spill a bucket of ice and water over their heads. After they posted the video on social media and nominated other people to do the same. But the most important part of the challenge was to donate money to the ALS association!


Have you joined this challenge? What were your experiences?

We would be glad when you share your experiences in the comments with us!



(Lena and Marysé)

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The World Health Organisation

Hey guys,


what's going on? Is everything ok? I hope so! Now I want to inform you about an organisation that has something to do with globalisation.

Do you know what the abbreviations WHO means?  WHO stands for World Health Organisation.  It's an organisation that was founded in the United States in 1946 and has 194 member states at the moment. The head office is in Genf, Switzerland. They fight against sicknesses and infectious diseases.

Now you may be thinking "Well, I know what WHO is, but was has it to do with globalisation?"

It's easy. Due to globalisation it's easier to transport medicine to other countries. That's a good point. But on the other hand it's easier for the virus to spread.

The WHO wants to stop this with immunisations and tecáches hopsitals on how they can stop ilnesses.

I hope that you understand the connection between organisations and globalisation.

Did you know what WHO means before reading this? Or do you know other organisations that are similar to WHO?


Write it in the comments below!


Read you soon!




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