Hello my lovely guys,
what's going on? Today I'd like to inform you about food miles.
Food miles count the distance your food is transported from the plough to your plate. When you eat a tomato from China you will get more food miles than wif you eat a tomato from a local farmer.
This does not only cause more air pollution but is also the source of greenhouse emission.
So please eat all local! Maybe you plant vegetables or fruits in your garden or you start buying your food in organic grocery stores, where they often sell local foods.
I hope that you start thinking about not local food and start eating local food.
At last, one question: How many miles did your last dinner have?
Hey guys,
everyday we eat food and buy it easily in shops but we don't even know where it comes from!
People produce so much CO2 because they decided to eat at big companies or eat food that needs to be transported from other countries.
The way our food has been transported can be measured in food miles. How many food miles has your favourite meal?
I'm pretty sure that it is okay to eat food that has been transported to us but there are many benefits for the environment and for your health when you buy food from local farmers.
As an example, people in Canada want to eat a special steak. This steak needs to be transported by plane across the pacific. This plane produces carbon dioxide. This is bad for the environment.
You can't imagine how many bad chemicals foreign farmers use for the growing of vegetables or fruits.
I hope I can change your mind and you start eating more local food and don't support big companies that transport their foods via plane or ship and harm our environment.
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